Ken Gray – New High-Rise Zoning ‘Ridiculous’: Chiarelli

New High-Rise Zoning ‘Ridiculous’: Chiarelli

When Ron Benn is not wearing his Bulldog columnist hat, he is a long-time member of the Centrepointe Community Association.
This a reply to a note he sent to his College ward councillor Rick Chiarelli late Thursday evening:

From: “Chiarelli, Rick” <>
Date: September 20, 2018 at 23:24:37 EDT
To: “ron benn>
Cc: “Linton, Jenny” <>
Subject: Some of the proposed settlement to OPA 150 challenges
Thank you for writing. You are making some important points. I have written to Mr. Smitt with these and other concerns and I am hoping this is all a big misunderstanding and that the report was just improperly written. Not likely, but there is a chance.
Otherwise this is ridiculous and it also has an impact on several areas in our ward. Furthermore, if this is the case, I would be very suspicious of the timing. The middle of an election is sometimes selected because an issue has to compete with many others for attention. Also, in an election, councillors are governed by “black-out-period” rules and they are prohibited from notifying residents of issues coming to committee and council.
Anyway, I expect an answer in the morning.
Rick Chiarelli

To read the report to which Chiarelli is responding, click here.

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